Seeking a PRODUCER and DIRECTOR for the 15-minute Adventure Short Film 'INAPPROPRIATE'. This short focuses on a young biracial artist who, after her father's sudden death, grapples with life, their unhealed relationship, and her purpose in the world, making a last ditch attempt to contact his spirit. The recipient of multiple accolades, including maintaining the #1 adventure short placement on Coverfly's Red List in 2023, 'INAPPROPRIATE' aims to destigmatize the way we address grief in modern Western Culture and explore how family and culture impacts this through one wild artistic adventure. This film is the flagship production of Fighter Productions, an Independent Arts and Entertainment venture based in Colorado. Incorporating elements of the writer's own Indigenous culture, we highly encourage other Native and biracial artists to apply, though this background is not necessary. We plan a 2 month pre-production period (which includes the crowdfunding campaign) and an estimated 3-day shoot. Please submit a letter of inquiry to HELLO@FIGHTERPRODUCTIONCO.COM with this as your subject line: "Let them eat cake..." We look forward to your application!
Please note: this film is being funded on a crowdfunding basis. As such, there is no guarantee of pay for these positions. Please do not apply unless you are comfortable with this and with participating in the crowdfunding campaign.
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