Title: Deleted Scenes
Genre: Short Film
Union Status: Non-union
Location: Denver-metro
Production Company: Angel Wing Productions
Shooting Schedule: Mid–February; flexible based on actors’ schedules. Each actor will only be called for one or two hours.
Logline: This short film explores moments from the lives of very different people on the same day, proving that everyone has a story and no one is alone.
Pay: No pay; copy and credit
Audition Information: Please email angelwingprod@gmail.com with a headshot, resume, and reel (if applicable) for self-tape instructions!

GAIL (30s-50s, all genders & ethnicities): Serious, stoic. Gail is a Harvard admissions counselor interviewing an overly-eccentric, awkward high school senior. They lack a sense of humor and don’t create a particularly welcoming environment for students.

KATE (40s-50s, female, white): A former teacher, now a stay-at-home mom/nurse to one of her daughters, who has reached the end of her fight with terminal cancer. Kate tries her best to stay strong for her family, but it’s getting harder for her to hold on, especially as her other daughter’s coping mechanisms become more reckless and destructive.

BROOKLYN (14, female, any ethnicity): An awkward, people-pleasing freshman excited to be in the ensemble of her first high school musical. She wants everyone to like her, especially the revered senior who’s the star of the show and the coolest girl in school.

HARPER (13-16, all genders & ethnicities): Witty, blunt, and slightly rebellious. They don’t care much about school, the polar opposite of their nerdy, dramatic best friend. They see through middle-school drama and acts as the self-appointed matchmaker for their best friend.

AUSTIN (13-16, male, any ethnicity): The new kid and the most popular boy in middle school, Austin also happens to be genuinely nice. While everyone thinks he’s super cool, they are all a little intimidated by him, so he has a hard time making true friends. He has a crush on a girl who very obviously likes him back, but he’s too nervous to ask her out.

CHARLIE (7, all genders & ethnicities): A sweet, loveable first-grader who loves spending time with their older sibling and their mom. When their sibling comes to pick them up from soccer practice, they learn their mom has passed away. ***Please note, this role deals with mature themes including illness and death, but these are only referred to through euphemisms such as “at the doctor’s” and “going to Heaven.”

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