Bean Dog Films
- 1st year in Industry: 2011
Office: 720.334.8672
Bean Dog Films
1550 Larimer Street Box 631
Denver Colorado 80202Email: info@beandogfilms.com
Website: http://www.beandogfilms.com
Bean Dog Films is a full-service production company and creative firm that builds story-rich branded video content, broadcast commercials, digital advertising and documentaries for ad agencies, artists, athletes, NGOs and individuals worldwide.
What’s a Bean Dog? Just a nickname for our three-legged mutt, Tilly. She’s a lover and a fighter; always going hard for the ball, hard for your love, and hard for adventure. Any struggle she faces by nature of her constitution is met with remarkable ingenuity. We borrowed the moniker to live up to the high bar she sets for getting after it and showing up to the world with max enthusiasm, moxie, and heart.
Clients include: Colorado Tourism, CU Denver, Denver Health, Artifact Uprising, BOA, Callaway, Universtiy of Michigan Baseball, Refinery29, CBS Sports, HGTV, Travel Channel and many more.