Dana Eudaily
Mobile: 303-960-8578
Mobile: 310-985-4532
Denver, CO
Email: deudaily70@gmail.com
I work as a local in Denver and Los Angeles. Companies include: RSA,Bob Industries, WTP,Spoon, Riverdale, Accomplice Media, Gold Roads Films, MJZ, Sweet Ricky, Gin & Burger, Serial/Anonymous, Community Films, Missing Pieces, Mill, Superprime, Believe,Caviar, Humble, The Station, Raucous, Tool of NA, HSI, Lost Highway, Biscuit, Boxer, NonFiction, RedTree Prods, Pogo, Harvest Films, A WhiteLabel Product , CoMPANY, über Content, Moxie, Shilo,Gartner, A Common Thread,Fueld, Backyard Prods, Pictures in a Row, Picture Park, Great Guns: USA, Radical Media, A-Content, Plum Prods, Hungry Man, NFL films. Past Projects include:UC Health, Ca Almonds,Chevy, Hyundai,Mercedes, Xcel, Uber, McDonalds, UCHealth, Intel, Breckenridge Brewery,Otterbox, Ram, Bose,Dannon, AT&T, Wendys, CenturyLink, SW airlines, ARMY, Under Amour, Bounce, Duracell, Kaiser, Disney Resorts, Nasonex, Hallmark, Coors Light, AAA, Cobra Golf, Chevy, Frosted Flakes