Matchstick Productions
- 1st year in Industry: 1995
- Union: No Union
Office: 970.349.0860
Matchstick Productions
511 Red Lady Ave. Suite 222
Crested Butte CO 81224Email: steve.winter@mspfilms.com
Website: http://mspfilms.com
Matchstick Productions is a full service company. We specialize in authentic outdoor story telling. We own a highbred Cineflex system with a Red Dragon or Weapon within. In house we have producers, directors, camera ops and a list of gear that would make most rental houses drool. We know Colorado and Utah locations like the back of our hands and have scouts and permitting agents ready to get er done.
Our client list is deep… Mercedes, VW, Dolby Theaters, Montblanc Watches, Amex, Coors, Budlight, Discovery, BBC, National Geo…. Please visit. www.mspfilms.com for more information.